Some young people are not only downplaying the need to act in a communal way regarding covid-19, they are suggesting that it is a way to weed out those from an older, out-of-touch generation using terms like Boomer Eraser and Boomer Remover.

Quarantinotes Series #7 – To Re-open OR Not To Re-Open
…the following video is what I would do about re-opening colleges and universities as of May 12, 2020. (Yes, this will change by May 13, 2020 – all good models change with every new variable and data-point!) It’s a 20 minute strategy video that, if nothing else, may give you some perspectives from (yet) another world view. As I state at the end, my thinking and 50 cents won’t buy you a cup of coffee, but I hope you know that they are thoughtful of many, many, MANY inputs.

The President, #MeToo, and College Closings
How far the reporting of education has come in only 4 years….