Have you ever played Life – the board game? In that game, if you choose the employment option rather than the college option from the start, what happens?

Education – Communication – Transformation
Have you ever played Life – the board game? In that game, if you choose the employment option rather than the college option from the start, what happens?
We will get our audience to do, as we show and tell, before reviewing and asking along the way. We will not only help people understand the nuances of critical (modern) learning research specific to Interleaving, Spaced Repetition, the Cognitive Science of learning, Varied Instruction, Generative learning, and Desirable Difficulties, but we will practice these methods at the same time.
From an educational perspective, I have never, in all of my years consulting, auditing, teaching, nor even admonishing, seen a 4-year institution with “better” teaching than a community college. In fact, many of the community college professors I know also teach at 4-year schools.