Please enjoy the following presentation as we hope to provide administrators and teachers with some tips, tricks, ideas, and strategies to move online.

Education – Communication – Transformation
Please enjoy the following presentation as we hope to provide administrators and teachers with some tips, tricks, ideas, and strategies to move online.
IICE is pleased to present a blog by Dr. Errin Heyman, IICE Fellow. While the following article applies to all modalities of education, in this coronavirus / covid-19 context, it should help those transitioning to an online format.
Bringing learning research best practices to bear in the online class.
As close as Higher Ed has to True Car / Car Fax for students and parents.
What will education look like in the future? While it has not changed much in the last 100 years, there is every likelihood it will look very different in the next 25…
“People change all the time when it comes to things that matter to them. They’ll change positions, jobs, houses, cars, or whatever matters for them, often at great cost. We’re wired to move on.”
Google it. Explore if through ERIC. Do what you do so well! Research the idea, the strategy, etc. See how other schools have done it, or alternatively, see if there are reasons schools have chosen NOT to do something. Look at the business stream in which the initiative was accomplished and then ask how it might be performed in a your specific higher education context. Ping your network and ask colleagues what they think. Go to Twitter or LinkedIn and create a post about it, looking for comments and feedback. Just noodle with it. Even if you finally conclude that it can’t work or if you never end up using it, the continual practice will help. See, as you collect more and more of those ideas, you’ll start to have a throng of options available when the right day comes.