Education is seeing unprecedented support from education technology during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Education – Communication – Transformation
Education is seeing unprecedented support from education technology during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios. Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness. Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too. We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post. And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@IICEorg). Happy Friday!
IICE is incredibly proud to off the Connectedness Grant. Our first grant, IICE received funding so as to offer a way for an institution to fundamentally shift their infrastructure as it pertains to connection.
The Institute for Inter-Connected Education is proud to announce an opportunity for colleges and universities, showcasing the power of giving. IICE is happy to announce our first-ever grant opportunity for schools seeking to empower their students, faculty, and staff via better connectedness infrastructure.