So you need a speaker, consultant, or professional development experience? Let’s talk. Here is the What, Why, and How of working with Dr. Jeff Borden.
What: You likely have some degree of specificity to the engagement. Even if it’s a general idea about the kind of engagement, here are the topics / themes / concepts Dr. Borden can help speak to, helping you meet your goals and objectives for the event. Note – these are Jeff’s areas of expertise but have been successfully leveraged in multiple formats such as a keynote address, a 1-2 day workshop, or a longer term consultation as required.
Quick Hits – In the past 3 years, the most requested keynote sessions are:
*Creating a Culture of Learning Innovation (at Scale)
*Education 3.0: Neuroscience + Learning Research + Education Technology
*Building a Learning Ecosystem 101
Education Topics | Communication Topics | Transformation Topics |
Popular Sessions, Workshops, and Consultations: | Popular Sessions, Workshops, and Consultations: | Popular Sessions, Workshops, and Consultations: |

Why: You want to make sure you hire someone who isn’t boring, someone who has some credibility, and someone who can deliver. For 25 years, Jeff has honed his craft and is ready to help you with your event or experience.
- When you hire Jeff, you can be assured you are gaining unprecedented access to one of the most forward thinking educators and insightful communicators today. A voracious reader and consumer of academic as well as popular media, Jeff will provide the right mix of conflict, with plenty of solutions and ideas to go around.
- Jeff always customizes every experience to fit audience needs and expectations as well as your goals and objectives. Many speakers first ask, “How much?” – Jeff instead asks questions of the audience, context, and situation. If applicable, Jeff will even ask to interview key people from your organization, making sure he captures a holistic image of your culture. This allows the experience to provide participants with authentic tasks and applicable solutions. Your goals become Jeff’s goals. Even a customized presentation can be 100% content, 100% entertainment, or any combination of the two. With as much, or as little guidance as you feel is appropriate, Jeff will provide a great experience for any audience at any level.
- Jeff is not a mouse! You can expect passion, boldness, and excitement regarding change, culture, problem-finding / problem solving, communication, education, and so on. Jeff’s desire is to impact cultural change, paradigm shifts, and movement beyond innovative ideas to solid, workable solutions for your group. Jeff will challenge the way the participants thinks while providing solid, innovative solutions.
- Jeff will ignite your audience to action. They will love his humor, his energy, and his ideas. He has the ability to captivate, motivate, and inspire any audience, from staff to administrators to executives. To do this, Jeff has several different topics to choose from. Hire Jeff to give a rousing keynote address on how to roll with the punches of life, a breakout session on Assessment and Learning Styles, a full day workshop regarding communication for everyday life, 1×1 executive coaching, a seminar on storytelling, or a consultation about how to improve your retention / persistence issues. (See more topic options below.)
- This one is important. If you have ever heard Dr. Borden speak, especially while at eCollege, Pearson, etc., you know that he is not a salesman. You can expect to hear about education, communication, or transformative ideas, not a sales pitch for a product or service. In fact, you’ll likely see or hear about dozens of products / services, but not a single one that Jeff works with. Just as you’ll hear about experiences from other organizations – from schools to religious groups to businesses to technology companies – just remember that Jeff is a solutions hawk, so your stakeholders can expect to get an unbiased, objective view of the landscape, but not a sales pitch. If you’re looking for a product demo, contact Jeff at his day-job!
- Working with Jeff is easy. He makes the administrative portion of working with him as simple as possible. Jeff handles his own travel arrangements and is more than happy to stay at the location of the conference or event if desired. Charging one set fee for
speaking and one for consulting, the only other charges incurred are for T&E and materials (if applicable).
How: Most presenters / consultants want you to call them so they can “upsell” you with their charm and good looks. Well, with decent charm but surely no runway walking anytime soon, let’s just cut to the chase. So here are the details to help you make an informed decision. You’ll find that Jeff isn’t Ted-Talk guy expensive, but he normally doesn’t speak for a stipend only. (Note – if that’s what you’re after, Jeff’s day-job with the Institute for Inter-Connected Education and/or Ucroo might be what you’re looking for. So long as a soft sell is appropriate, let us know…) Otherwise, here is the deal:
Speaking / Workshops / Seminars – The hours are yours to spend. I typically perform a keynote, followed by a workshop or series of seminars, but some folks bring me in solely for the plenary. It’s up to you.
- Community College / Church Pricing: 4 Hours – $3500 / 8 Hours – $5000 / 2 Days – $7000 + normal Travel & Expenses
- College / University / Business Pricing: 4 Hours – $4000 / 8 Hours – $5500 / 2 Days – $8000 + normal Travel & Expenses
Consulting / 1×1 Coaching
- All consults and coaching experiences will be proposed, bid, or determined based on an evaluation of the objectives, work by which to meet those objectives, etc. These engagements typically include face-to-face meetings, inventories or other survey / assessment measures delivered and scored, phone / video meetings, written documentation creation, etc. All normal Travel & Expenses will be at cost.
“Thank you Dr. Jeff. You always inspire us to do bigger and better things. Our instructors are genuinely a better instructor because of you!” (This was in the last email sent to me by Dr. Dennis Franz – CEO / President of EduKan, prior to his passing. You are missed my friend.)