An effective message requires three things: Logic, Passion, and Credibility. But who is Jeff Borden, anyway?

Quick Hits: Dean – School of Leadership Studies for Gonzaga University
Former: Vice Provost (National University); Chief Academic Officer (D2L / Campus) | VP Academic Affairs for D2L; Exec Director – Institute for Inter-Connected Ed; Chief Innovation Officer (Saint Leo University); Davis Scholar; Faculty Member.
If you’re looking for the action list, here you go: Academic, Speaker, Comedian, Innovator, Administrator, Professor, Writer, Musician, Consultant, Trainer, Learning Designer, Doctor, Coach, Blogger, Mentor, Futurist, Trend-Spotter, Game Master, and Researcher. (But don’t forget the MORE important: Husband, Father, Son, Brother, and Dog-owner!)
But if you’d prefer the long version, here you go:
Jeff has spent more than 25 years helping transform colleges, universities, schools, churches, businesses, seminaries, and even a few politicians along the way. With a Master’s degree in Communication and a Doctorate in Education (Instructional) Leadership, Jeff has vigorously studied, taught, presented on, and consulted around three primary things: Learning, Communicating, and Change.

Jeff has helped organizations find better ways to recruit and enroll prospects (ask him about working with a group that started with 300 students and over 8 years climbed to 83,000!), to create retention and persistence initiatives (with some effect sizes of 7-12%), and to engender both a vision for and principled implementation around transformation. Jeff has worked in formal education settings (Vice Provost, Program Coordinator, Director, Chief Innovation Officer, and currently Dean) as well as commercial academic settings (publishing, learning management, and currently as Chief Academic | VP of Academic Affairs for D2L).
During that same time, Dr. Borden has taught over 250 face-to-face and online courses (both undergraduate and graduate) for almost every institutional type you can imagine. In 16-week, 12-week, 10-week, 8-week, and even 4-week terms; from Chaminade University to Southeastern Community College to Argosy University and now at Gonzaga University, Jeff has taught in a full-time, part-time, and adjunct capacity every single term since 1997 as a Grad student. Jeff has won various teaching awards and hungrily gathers new teaching concepts and methods to improve his instructional, assessment, and learning strategies. From brain science to education psychology to education technology, Jeff is constantly on the lookout for the best, most efficacious ways to frame learning.
Jeff has also continually provided consultation, vision casting, and meaningful professional development for administrators, academics, and / or IT professionals seeking to get to the “next level.”
If you’re looking for a few examples of Jeff’s work, check out the “Jeff on the Web” page, but here are a few quick examples that might help:
- (This YouTube video shows Jeff giving a keynote address on Change Management for Higher Ed at the Kurogo conference in 2017.)
- Lions SHARE Next-Generation Learning Ecosystem – (Jeff architected and built an award winning, highly integrated, social, brain/learning science based system at Saint Leo University.)
- Educause Review article on Gamification for Learning – (Jeff has put on more than a dozen large scale “Alternate Reality Learning Experience” games for students, teachers, and administrators.)
Finally, as fun as Jeff finds his day job(s), even more he loves spending time with his wife and daughter, playing disc golf in Colorado (18th in the World in 2005!), biking the trails of Denver, or checking out the latest movies to hit the big screen.
“I don’t care what people say, you are a scholar and you talk real good too…. :)” – Steve Rheinschmidt, in 2007 when he was the Director of the ICCOC. 8 years later, I stole him to come work for me at Saint Leo!