Please enjoy the following presentation as we hope to provide administrators and teachers with some tips, tricks, ideas, and strategies to move online.

Education – Communication – Transformation
Please enjoy the following presentation as we hope to provide administrators and teachers with some tips, tricks, ideas, and strategies to move online.
IICE is pleased to present a blog by Dr. Errin Heyman, IICE Fellow. While the following article applies to all modalities of education, in this coronavirus / covid-19 context, it should help those transitioning to an online format.
A lot of people who dislike eLearning are now finding themselves (teaching or learning) online. As this will likely be the norm for a while, this is a first check-in to make recommendations and give some suggestions from effective practices and seasoned practitioners.
Education is seeing unprecedented support from education technology during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
There will be a slew of questions that higher education leaders and administrators need to answer in the upcoming months.
The intersection of theory and application for many is the job interview.