A curated list of Apps to review for your 2019 summer enjoyment.

Education – Communication – Transformation
A curated list of Apps to review for your 2019 summer enjoyment.
Surveys show us that most students number one priority from their college degree is a job. Luckily there are some excellent examples to show us how to honor that request.
Many colleges and universities mistakenly undervalue disconnectedness or overvalue their staffs ability to fix the problem.
Every college or university claims to help students succeed. But do actions align with words?
Can connectedness help us avoid another, “Where were you when” moment?
Education does not measurably impact learning, critical thinking, or transference of information. Shouldn’t we fix that?
The Huffington Post is putting a healthy amount of blame for the mounting cost of higher education on OPM partnerships. Is that the most deserving target?
How connected are your students to people, support, content….really?
Leading a higher education consultation is hard, political, complex work. It can also be very satisfying…
The problems faced by educators are not unique to the USA.