Friday Campus Connections

Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios.  Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness.  Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too.  We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post.  And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@IICEorg).  Happy Friday!

 U.S. Students Spend More Time Working Paid Jobs Than Going to Class

As the United States charges the highest costs for higher education in the world and as more students fear mounting debt related to school, students are actively working while getting degrees more than ever before.  What does this do to the connections students used to make, but no longer seem to?  Read more>>>

‘A New U: Faster + Cheaper Alternatives to College’

As Liberal Arts degrees come under fire more and more and as pundits ask why colleges and universities don’t do more to set people up for job success, Ryan Craig shares his thoughts on these trends and potentially ways to rethink them.  Read more>>>

This Is the Best College in Every State

As US students still tend to go to school within 100 miles of their home, Money Magazine and Georgetown University took a different approach to college rankings.  Which school in your state has the most upside when it comes to how much you’ll spend vs how much you’ll make upon graduating.  Read more>>>

Keeping Online Courses Fresh: Valuable, but Costly

For years, people from both inside and outside education have asked why online courses didn’t disrupt the higher education price market.  This piece does a nice job showing the connectedness between cost and quality, if done well, as the cost of maintaining an online course for several years can eventually outstrip the launch cost — but the investment might just pay off.  Read more>>>

With Employers in the Mix, Can Badges Become More Than a Fad?

Detailing the uphill road of badges, this article explains how one significant hurdle (employer buy-in) is being handled through one new badging program.  While other organizations and programs (such as Acclaim, etc) have taken various strategies to get buy-in from both employers and education institutions alike, this small project example showcases another approach. Read more>>>