Dr. J uses multiple formats and locations for workshops. Which connects with you?

  • Pre-conference workshops. Bring Jeff in to provide your conference attendees a pre-conference option that will make them talk!

  • Regional workshops. Jeff is always looking to perform workshops in an area close to multiple institutions, so if you are part of a consortium or cluster of institutions, let him know.

  • Local workshops. The most common scenarios is when Jeff happily comes to your location and creates a customized experience just for your institution’s needs.

  • Spokane workshops. Have faculty around the country and want a central place to gather? Want to create a development experience that also promotes some get-outa-town fun? Let us host you in beautiful Spokane, WA. It has incredible activities throughout the year.

  • Online workshops, webinars, and classes. Jeff has performed hundreds of webinar style workshops over the years. He is happy to promote online synchronous or asynchronous experiences using platforms such as Zoom, Teams, InSpace Proximity, and more.

The following “modules” (topic areas) represent Jeff’s most requested talks and workshops based on his research and practitioner’s expertise.

Modules & Outcomes

Workshop photoEvery workshop or seminar will include meaningful templates, inventories, or other assets for practitioners to use immediately.  Some assets will be for personal use whereas others may be helpful in promoting ideas, communicating messages, or simply managing projects with other institutional stakeholders.  As well, all experiences include access to a Community of Practice.  Attendees will have access long after an event to connect, network, brainstorm, or just talk through operational / strategic ideas with peers.

As professional educators ourselves, we are keen to ensure that all Institute experiences are genuinely interactive.  Using a wealth of active learning strategies, ICE practitioners will meaningfully connect participants to one another, to learning, and to practical application.

As well, participants can expect to come away with resources, access to websites, and other materials that will help them use their new-found knowledge more meaningfully.  This also includes access to Institute Faculty and Fellows for support and the practical application of lifelong learning.

Academic workshops
Master Teacher Training

  • Master communicators in the classroom

  • Better outcomes / better curriculum maps

  • Do you REALLY want INNOVATION?

  • Neuroscience in practice

  • Social learning

  • Ed tech in the real world
  • Personalization, adaptivity, and other buzzwords (aka learning research and how to use it)

  • Gamification – what it is, what it means, and how to make it your own

  • Authentic assessment

Administration workshops

Strategic Administrator Training

  • Breaking down the silos

  • Creating a culture of learning innovation

  • Communication plans

  • Persuasion for Provosts, Presidents, and Boards

  • Change management planning

  • Executive sponsorship

  • Project management / workflow management

  • Financial management for higher ed administrators

  • Communicating via narrative: telling your story

Institutional Technology workshops

Transformative it leader training

  • Clifton StrengthsFinder

  • Working with administrative partners (vs customers vs enemies)

  • Building a hyper-connected (eco) system

  • Change management planning

  • Communication plans

  • Creating a culture of learning innovation