Jeff Borden on stage


He then showed a US map of social media sites trolling for young inductees which ranged from racist to anarchist.  How were they finding new participants?  Connection.  They were working to connect these teens via social media to fallacious arguments that “felt good” to young, manipulable minds.  They would find connection points with family, friends, religion, justice, and the list goes on.  But the strategy was the same.  Connect.  Because once connected, it was very hard to disconnect.

Welcome to Jeff Presents…

“As a teacher, if I don’t know the answer, I’ll tell you I do. Then I will inform you that it’s much more important for you to find the answer yourself so as to learn it. Finally, once you find the answer, I’ll have you email me so I can tell you if it’s right…” Dr. Jeff Borden delivers keynote addresses and workshops in an unconventional manner.  He actually uses what we know to be effective practices when speaking, teaching, facilitating, or consulting.  What does that mean? We know that lecture is likely the single-worst form of communication available if the desired outcome is to remember and also an impetus for change.  We know from brain research that PowerPoint stinks.  We know from hundreds of years of learning experiments that listeners who “do” are far more impacted than listeners who solely listen.  Jeff not only speaks about this very research, but actually models it in his presentations, ensuring audiences will laugh, possibly cry, but engage with ideas meaningfully and transformationally throughout.