Asking Tough Questions (aka, did I destroy my career?)

For almost 25 years I have seen colleges and universities fail when it comes to any kind of holistic approach to the student experience.  It doesn’t matter if it’s on-ground or online, students feel disconnected.  (Heck, staff and faculty typically feel disconnected…)  When someone needs help, it often feels like there is none.  When someone is poking around on a computer at 3am trying to find support, there often is none.  Why?  Because education is a people business.  There are only so many hours in the day and only so many channels by which to communicate.  Students, faculty, and staff can go hours, days, and sometimes weeks before receiving help. 

Accessing Technology

Think about a portal.  In my opinion, this is one of the most under-utilized (and therefore under-valued) pieces of digital real estate at a University.  And you can tell.  The typical portal at a college is the equivalent of a trailer park for links, notifications, and assets.  So what do users do?  They bookmark the few links they actually find useful and access them directly.  Of course that also means they never see the notifications, announcements, or new links over time.