Quarantinotes Series #8 – Thinking about Learning and Learning about Thinking

Most teachers still teach based on what “feels” right to them, which is often really a replication of practices used during their own education. After all, if they are learned people and those methods were used for them, then most people reason that the methods employed were correct. Again, we see confirmation bias at work.

Quarantinotes Series #7 – To Re-open OR Not To Re-Open

…the following video is what I would do about re-opening colleges and universities as of May 12, 2020. (Yes, this will change by May 13, 2020 – all good models change with every new variable and data-point!) It’s a 20 minute strategy video that, if nothing else, may give you some perspectives from (yet) another world view. As I state at the end, my thinking and 50 cents won’t buy you a cup of coffee, but I hope you know that they are thoughtful of many, many, MANY inputs.

Friday Campus Connections

​​​​​​​Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios.  Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness.  Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too.  We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post.  And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@IICEorg).  Happy Friday!

Jeff shaking hands with Sir Ken Robinson

The Fifth Discipline – Revisited

Having taken all manner of personality indicators, I agree with their consistent findings that people who do not perform effectively, in a collaborative fashion, nor with a proper prioritization of goals, are easily waived off in my brain as “morons.”  I struggle to give second chances and I quickly look for workarounds to people and departments that appear obstructivistic regarding forward thinking initiatives, student support, or even student learning, etc. 

Friday Campus Connections

Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios.  Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness.  Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too.  We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post.  And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@Ice_Inst_Org).  Happy Friday!