Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios.  Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness.  Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too.  We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post.  And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@IICEorg).  Happy Friday!

Americans Still Believe in Higher Ed’s ‘Public Good’

The good news?  Americans still feel that higher education is “connected” to the public interest.  From scientific discoveries to national prosperity and of course, individual goal attainment, Americans believe that higher education has an important role in society.  Read more>>>

Is This Higher Education’s Golden Age?

Taking the most glass-half-full position seen in a while, a sociology professor purports that universities are not only as relevant, but as dominant as ever.  While glossing over student learning, the argument suggests that research and culture are better yard sticks of efficacy.  Read more>>>

On Being Both a Hard and Heartful Teacher

If it is true that connectedness in education requires architects of learning to be mindful of both cognition but also of non-cognitive factors (socialness, grit, mindset, etc), then there will always be conversations around accountability.  After all, erring too far on the socio-emotional spectrum for all students seems like a recipe for easy, not effective.  This professor explains how balance can be struck with student success still at the forefront.  Read more>>>

How the Great Recession changed higher education forever

Most articles about the effects being felt across higher education due to the 2008 financial collapse point to the massive impact on lowering enrollments in or around 2026.  But this article looks at different, more institutional changes that the recession created, rippling across the sector.  Read more>>>

 hat a Med-School Professor Learned by Teaching Undergrads

There is a lot of research pointing to the idea of our best professors teaching our youngest, most difficult students.  But there is as much research showing our best professors consistently work their way out of those experiences.  This story shows what happens when someone who had already worked her way out of undergraduate work comes back to the younger student experience and how she connects them with ideas not even specific to their majors.  Read more>>>