Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios.  Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness.  Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too.  We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post.  And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@IICEorg).  Happy Friday!


The future(s) of public higher education

Deloitte asserts 5 new models for the higher education systems of the future.  Including partnership, entrepreneurial, sharing, experiential and subscription, the thought leaders have tried to explain more ways by which to connect credentials to people.  Read more>>>

Must Watch: Mike Rowe’s Real Talk on Higher Education and America’s ‘Dysfunctional Relationship With Work’

A poignant, powerful speech regarding the connection of work and life, not in contrast to higher education but in parallel to it.  This extremely well-spoken tv host talks about his foundation providing scholarships for work training and the 7 million jobs our country cannot fill despite being lucrative and necessary.  Read more>>>

Higher Ed Brands We Can Believe In

Every college or university claims it is the top, the best, has the most quality, etc.  But consumers (students, parents, and pundits) are getting more savvy, while also starting to put their money where their ethics are.  Look at how higher education can connect or disconnect from potential students.  Read more>>>

Life Is Complicated: Distance Learning Helps

This Times piece does a great job showing how connectedness can change lives.  From the numbers of students using distance education to boost their life goals to specific instances of help via the modality and/or getting back on track, this feel-good story is an affirming read for eLearning educators.  Read more>>>

Tech tricks: 5 digital improvements helping millennials reach life goals

It is crucial that university leaders better connect across generations.  Generational context should be on the radar of every President and spreading throughout the leadership as we understand how to speak to, market to, and drive success across the generational gaps.  This practical article illustrates a few ways things have gotten easier for people to go from stage to stage with the help of some digital tools.  Read more>>>