Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios.  Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness.  Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too.  We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post.  And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@IICEorg).  Happy Friday!

2018 Survey Results from Inside Higher Education

Pulling from the Inside Higher Ed survey of college / university Chief Officers, this Oracle report explores two findings: institution mergers and weak technology.  While the former is likely a sign of a disconnected context, the latter is a (fairly) fast way to reconnect students, faculty, and staff to the tools and people that matter (if done properly, of course).  Read more>>>

It’s better to be born rich than gifted

The least-gifted children of high-income parents graduate from college at higher rates than the most-gifted children of low-income parents.  Connecting back to the K-12 experience, and knowing that this impacts college admissions, we still struggle to create a level playing field for all applicants and students.  Read more>>>

Survey: New York’s high school grads feel unprepared

For more than a decade, math instructors have been pleading with everyone from high school curriculum designers to Liberal Arts universities: we need to connect our learners to far more math than ever before.  (Yet we still do not see “Math Across the Curriculum” as initiatives…)  Agreeing with adults that math is more important than ever, NY high school students suggest that high school was not nearly challenging enough, nor will it prepare them for math based college classes, nor for math based work opportunities.  Read more>>>

Everything You Know About State Education Rankings Is Wrong

Connectedness begins as we consider how high-schoolers are (or aren’t) connected to learning.  But even how we report it is extremely misleading.  For example, according to this report: white students do better in Texas than in Iowa. Black students do better in Texas. Hispanic students do better in Texas. Asian students do better in Texas. Given these facts, it is absurd for U.S. News to rank Iowa higher than Texas in terms of educational performance. And this example is no fluke. Many other state comparisons similarly reverse if you account for student heterogeneity.  Read more>>>

What’s Wrong With English Department Websites

An excellent description of the lack of connection between perception and reality, the ivory tower and the corner store, this article could honestly speak to just about any department, or even an institution.  Who are the websites we build designed for?  Ourselves?  Accreditors?  Or Students?  Read more>>>