Join us every Friday to see how connectedness shows up in “real-world” stories and scenarios.  Here are 5 articles, blogs, or other resources that illustrate the power of connectedness.  Of course, we’ll keep blogging away too.  We hope you’ll stop back by on Monday, to see our newest post.  And don’t forget to follow us on twitter (@Ice_Inst_Org).  Happy Friday!

Dramatic Instability in International Higher Education

While connectedness includes many facets of higher education (from our Institute’s perspective, anyway), we don’t often write about, nor read about the implications of connection with international students.  However, as is blogged about in this piece, while higher education is seeking more and more ways to boost waning enrollments, international students may be harder than ever before.  Read more>>>

Commentary: Online Colleges Can Be Great for Students, but Accreditation Can Stifle Innovation. Focusing on Quality & Outcomes Can Help

If you have been around higher education for long, you have likely heard that accreditation is rarely more than a shell game.  Institutions showcase all of their best stuff while accredtiors look the other way on things of meaning.  Adding to the mix is this opinion piece suggesting accreditation is at odds with more than quality, but also innovation.  Read more>>>

Adding Injury to Insult

As more and more institutions of higher education find themselves on the brink of closing, should they be required to inform the state (and therefore the world) that they are struggling?  Read through both sides of that coin in this article that begins with a startling, albeit reality-driven opening line.  Read more>>>

Shared Governance Does Not Mean Shared Decision Making

As described on this site often, the notion of connectedness reaches far beyond students or curriculum.  This article, by a University President Emeritus illustrates a paradigm for connection in a relationship that is often discussed as frustrating and choked.  Discussing what a real “shared governance’ model can, and possibly should look like, the idea of connectedness comes to the forefront along with collaboration, communication, and likely more satisfaction than normal. 

Higher ed and Wikipedia go great together

It only took 17 years, but it seems Wikipedia may finally be feeling the embrace of educators.  Per a conversation with the platform’s Education Director, when professors “lean into” the notion that Wikipedia is a suspect source, good things can follow.  Read more>>>